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Skate/Surf Interns Wanted in Dubai

Writer's picture: Jonny NelsonJonny Nelson

Skate/Surf Interns Wanted in Dubai

NoPlanB is a surf and skate ministry in the heart of Dubai in the United Arab Emeritus. NoPlanB is made up of a group of individuals who want to give back to the community and see the younger generation live their lives with purpose; integrated with the plan and talents that God gave them. For No Plan B to continue to meet the needs of community outreach they need interns to come and serve with them. The current outreach platform requires more disciples, and they are excited to offer an internship program with their parent church there in Dubai ( The program will involve leading the NoPlanB surf and skate programs under the leadership of the current NoPlanB team and working along side the church youth department, under the directions of Pastor Steven Sanchez and Youth Director Amy Kellogg. Working in ministry and living in Dubai comes with it’s challenges and rewards, and will require someone of strong and mature faith.

Below is a summary of what we are looking for.

NoPlanB Immediate Needs:

  1. Team Leader Positions: 2 – 4 young adults, female and male.   (this can take shape as an intern position or mission position) – entails running the surf and skate youth programs under direction of senior leadership. Building relationships with youth and sharing the Gospel.

  2. 1-2 year commitment.

  3. Senior lead position to take on a more director of operations roll of the skate program. This will require previous ministry experience.

  4. Preference towards the ability to surf and or skate.

  5. Funding: This is an important one for NoPlanB , financial support to meet the needs of the ministry, purchasing bibles, study materials, pay rent on the skate park etc.

What NoPlanB provides for missionaries and interns:

  1. Accommodation – host families and church accommodations.

  2. Transportation while in Dubai.

  3. Visa’s and customs process

  4. Internship program – to disciple and equip people for ministry.

Mission trip fund raising expectations (interns responsibility):

  1. Air fare – approx $1400rt

  2. Pocket money

Please email Scott if you are interested or just want to learn more about NoPlanB!

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