On December 18th I wrote an article about how God has been moving through JSAW. In that letter I also shared that JSAW needed $21,000 by December 31st to hit our annual fundraising goal of $115,000. When all was said and done we had surpassed that goal by $1747.40, a 13% increase from 2013! We praise God for you and your generous giving. Thank you for helping us stay on track and kick off the new year in a strong financial position. God is good!
For 2015 we are looking at a 33% increase bringing our total annual budget to $217,800. We have already begun the process of adding two staff to help keep up with JSAW and Help Board Shop’s growth. In 2014 Help Board Shop surpassed our projections by 49% making up for a lack in income from hired events over the summer. We intend to do fewer events this year in order to enable our staff to invest more time into our students and local programs, because that is the heart of our ministry. JSAW will still do events, but because of our limited time and resources, we will be focused on larger events where we can share the gospel. We will also continue to help fuel the action sports ministry movement worldwide in our strategic partnership with Christian Surfers, Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ, WakeWell and Christian Skaters.
Please be praying for JSAW, for our staff, our board of directors and for riders everywhere as we continue transforming action sports culture.
Click here to view JSAW’s 2014 Annual Report.