Help Boardshop Skate Camp Meal Sign Up
Thank you for your interest in bringing a meal to the skaters at this year’s skate camp! We would need a meal for around 10-15 [hungry] young guys to arrive at 11:30 am the day you have signed up for.
* Types of meals we are looking for: home-cooked, home-made, or delivered meals that are hardy and healthy. Providing drinks would also be appreciated. [/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Sign up below if this is something you can commit to!” title_align=”separator_align_center” align=”align_center” color=”grey”]
First Last
Sign Up Date*
Wednesday, June 10thThursday, June 11thFriday, June 12th
This is the date you would like to provide lunch for 10-15 skaters.
What type of meal are you planning to bring?
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