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Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

Marshfield FCA Skate Camp

JSAW is known for putting on hired events such as demo’s, skateboard contests and speaking engagements or a combination of these. For this particular event we had an open skate session with some youth who signed up for the FCA Skate Camp in Marshfield, WI on Friday. On Saturday we hosted a skate camp. The camp last two hours and we worked with kids at all levels from novice to expert. There were about 10 skaters that participated in camp and a few more who signed up for the contest that was held shortly after. The kids were getting pretty buck during the contest (going big) and it was exciting to both judge and watch. After the contest Trevor Hyde, a local skate pro, did a short demo and then preached the gospel to the campers, contestants and all those who came to watch. Trevor brought the gospel pretty hard and without shame. It was a rad sight to see God using a fellow skater through the working of the Holy Spirit. About 30 people in all heard the gospel and 6 kids responded! I would say it was a success!! If you are interested in hiring JSAW for your event click here!

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