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Program Update

Writer's picture: Jonny NelsonJonny Nelson

JSAW Program Update

In this past quarter JSAW has seen God work in amazing ways in our lives as staff members and in the lives of riders. In JSAW’s programming, within the past quarter we had accomplished:

1) 19 weekly Bible studies

2) Established 9 mentoring relationships between staff members and riders

3) Conducted 1 event with +100 people in attendance

4) Took students on a 1 week road trip throughout the Midwest

5) Too many unplanned God-centered conversations with riders and their parents to count

Throughout all the planning and performing we are happy to inform you that God has touched multiple riders hearts’ and brought to us the right people at the right time. For example:

1) One rider came to us with his passion for action sports and a hurting heart. His dad who for years took him wake skating and wake boarding had developed a serious disease, which no longer allowed him the ability to drive his son, and worse is now fighting for his life. Our summer wake program was the perfect place for this rider because he was able to find people with similar passions and a safe place to talk about what really matters in life. Join us as we continue to pray for this rider and his dad.

2) Another rider that joined us this summer/fall mocked Jesus’ name the first couple months of being here. He did not attend our weekly Bible studies at first. His familiarity with religious talk made Jesus’ just another drop in the bucket amongst all other religions. Now, he attends Bible study every week, and I am happy to say that this past week he personally asked one staff member at JSAW to be spiritually mentored. Pray for this student to continue to seek Jesus passionately.

3) We have also had riders that God has put on our heart to reach in the next quarter. At our event Jonny Nelson shared the Gospel with 25-35 skaters and one stepped forward at the end to receive Jesus as his personal savior and Lord of his life. This past week we have learned that this rider is now in juvenile detention. As we look into what God has for us to do in this next quarter this rider is definitely on our minds. Pray that God will allow us the privileges to see him and be able to speak words of life into his life.

There are many more stories from this past quarter, so if you are interested in hearing more about JSAW and the riders we reach, please feel free to schedule a time for one of our staff members to do a personal tour through our facility.


The JSAW staff

Phone: (952) 452-1283

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