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Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

Rider Spotlight – Matthew Smith

Rider Spotlight – Matthew Smith

Thanks for tuning into JSAW’s monthly updates. I would like to take some time to talk about one rider that has really stood out. His name is Matthew Smith. Matthew is the youngest in his family. He has two older siblings, one brother and one sister. He comes to Help Boardshop every day after school. He wears a big smile and spreads loads of joy every time he enters our doors. I asked him a couple questions about his spiritual life and the answers were so good that I asked him to share them with you all.

The first question I asked, “how did you get connected with JSAW and how has it affected you?” He said, “my friend and I did a simple Google search to find Help Boardshop. After my first session one of the staff members invited my friend and I to a weekly bible study. I had never heard of people doing a bible study, especially at a skate park. I didn’t go at first but one Wednesday I decided to attend. I found what was said to be interesting and began to attend on and off. It took some hard times in my life to fully surrender my life to Christ. Once I called out to him I felt an amazing feeling like never before; it was like an epiphany. Since then I have been attending JSAW’s bible studies regularly and seeking God on my own.” I then asked him, “what would you like our donors to know?” He said, “I want them to know that I really appreciate all their support of JSAW. My life was changed by God through JSAW and that was made possible by donor’s support.”

Riders like Matthew Smith find community and a place to belong at JSAW. This is why we exist! We love seeing God move and feel honored to be a part of riders’ lives like Matthew’s. Please continue to pray and support JSAW.


Jake Tastad Program Director

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