Dear JSAW Parents,
Did you know that JSAW has a program for you? Now you may be thinking, I don’t skate or snowboard or do anything crazy, how can JSAW serve me? Well, that is a great question and one we are willing to explain. At JSAW we thoroughly understand that effective ministry requires the participation of the whole family. We also understand that your rider may not want you to step foot inside Help Boardshop because let’s face the hard truth; parents in the eyes of their child can be somewhat embarrassing at times. Therefore, we have come up with a solution to ease the minds of your riders while plugging you guys into JSAW. We call this the Waffle Series.
The Waffle Series happens once a quarter at Help Boardshop on Saturday mornings between 8-10am. This is a wonderful opportunity to see and hear all that JSAW does as a ministry. You can expect time for small talk with other parents over a plate of freshly made waffles and orange juice, an overview of the ministry and upcoming events, and dialogue on a particular teenage topic that riders will face within action sports culture. Topics covered so far have been bullying and sex. These conversations have been helpful because we get to hear more about the backgrounds of the riders and parental views on fundamental topics. This information not only helps establish a deeper relationship with our riders’ parents, but also opens the gateway to partnerships with them. We also provide resources and explain our approach on the subject. The goal is not to impose our ideas onto the parents but partner with them by being a resource and influence on their rider.
Our next Waffle Series event will take place on October 14th at 8am at Help Boardshop in Edina, MN. The topic of discussion will be on drugs and its’ strong connection and influence on the action sports culture. Please RSVP with me by emailing me at I hope to see you all at the event!
Jake Tastad Program Director, JSAW