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Volunteer Spotlight: Amy Hanson- Board Member

Writer's picture: Jonny NelsonJonny Nelson

Volunteer Spotlight: Amy Hanson – Board Member

Name / Career / Family / Hobbies / Passions

Amy J. Hanson, Director of Children, Youth & Family at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. I am a mother of four, wife of one and CEO of many miscellaneous things, I am extraordinarily grateful for the blessing of organized chaos. Spending the majority of my career in the nonprofit arena, I continue to find my calling in serving others and my energy in adventuring beyond my comfort zone. On any given weekend, you may find our family volunteering at the church pancake breakfast to raise funds for an upcoming mission trip, participating in a snowboarding comp or soccer tournament, or heading north for some exploring in the woods. Our earthly time is focused primarily on what we value – God, family, serving others and activities – with the occasional travel adventure sprinkled in.

FAITH: When and how you became a Christ-Follower? / Biggest Influencer? / Faith Journey

I was born into a God-loving family,and was heavily influenced by my parents as faithful followers as well as my Youth Director and multiple camp counselors throughout the years. I was fortunate to learn about, and truly experience, God’s grace as I veered away from the path of faith several times in my life – only to be welcomed back with open arms each time. And, because I have witnessed firsthand the fragility of life, I work hard to treat each day as a true blessing – even those we wish we could do over. One of the greatest lessons God has put upon my heart is that being a Christian does not mean there are not times of darkness, but rather that there is always a light to be found.

JSAW: How did you get connected? / In what capacity do you serve? / Why do you serve?

All four of my children are on the ski hill every weekend of the snow season. Snowboarding and freeskiing are their activities of choice – competitively and recreationally – which has transferred into wakeboarding, longboarding, and skateboarding (and the occasional trampoline session) in the off-season. We came across the HELP Boardshop as a resource for our sports and then were elated to find JSAW through the website. After speaking with Jonny – and in my current role at my church – I was deeply interested from the start!

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