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What’s Keeping You from Following Jesus?

Writer's picture: Jonny NelsonJonny Nelson

Dude, life is so busy these days. There are a million distractions to pick from. I’ve got to go to work, pay the bills, hang out with friends, skate, do the dishes, skate more, answer that text, reply to that email, call so-and-so back, buy lunch, beat that high score on CandyCrush, work out, get packed for that up coming trip, get ready for school… There is always something to do, somewhere to be, or some crazy new video on Facebook. We validate our lives on how busy we can be and how many notifications we get.

There is this guy I know who is a leader in the church, really nice dude and everyone respects him. He is pretty wealthy, never lies or is dishonest, he doesn’t hate or get angry, and even really respects his parents. No one could ever say anything bad about him. One day he saw my friend Jesus and asked, “What must I do to be saved?” Maybe you have read this story in Mark 10:17-23. Now Jesus was compassionate and took a moment commanding him, “Sell everything that you own, give it to the poor and come follow me.”  The dude went away sad. He didn’t follow Jesus that day.

The rich young man that Jesus spoke with was distracted. His wealth kept him from following Jesus. It wasn’t about the many things that he had going right for him, it was about the one thing that was keeping him from following Jesus. Take a moment. What is the one thing that is keeping you from following Jesus? What is the one thing blocking me from following him? Is it money? Is it my busy life? Is it that girl I like? My skateboarding? My phone? Is it my ministry? My career? Is it my pride? What is it?

Get rid of it and follow Jesus.

Not necessarily because it is evil or wrong, but because following Jesus is priority number 1.

Get rid of whatever it is that is keeping you from following Jesus.

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