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Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

JSAW Donor Highlight – Sara Shuster

Personal: Name / Career / Family / Hobbies / Passions

My name is Sara Shuster. My husband Sam and I have 4 children: Elliot (9/6/96 – 7/9/15); Josie age 19; Zach and Sophie age 16. I can not leave out Miller, our 4 year old dog.  I am an artist and an interior designer. Hobbies include skiing, gardening and anything artistic.

Faith: When and how you became a Christ-follower / Biggest Influencer / Journey

I grew up in the church. My family was my biggest influencer. My mom and dad had a quiet faith, filled with service to others that still guides me today in my faith.

JSAW: How did you get connected / In what capacity do you serve?

I connected to JSAW before they opened Help Boardshop and Skatepark. My husband found the shop online looking for a birthday gift for Zach. I was so impressed by JSAW’s mission and vision that I got involved right away and helped them build the park. I’ve helped plan the fundraising banquet for several years and help support JSAW through monthly donations. I also share JSAW’s mission with others. I’m so grateful for the faith based leadership and mentorship that JSAW has provided for my son Zach and the many other riders involved in JSAW’s outreach programs.

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