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  • Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

Snow Trip Highlights

Dear JSAW Family,

This past weekend the JSAW crew set out on its’ annual snow trip to Trollhaugen and Granite Peak. It was sunny, beautiful and the perfect temp to ride for at least 8 hours a day. Off the mountain we played Uno, spoons, ping pong, pillow fights, and wrestled. The first night we stayed up until 2am throwing pillows at each other and laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. Five brave young guys came along to ride some amazing terrain and dive deeper spiritually. Throughout the weekend we studied through Ephesians 1:3-14. The questions that surfaced through reading these scriptures were, what is God’s will for your life and how do you know you are saved? These are not easy questions to answer all the time, but I was blown away by their depth of theological reasoning, as well as their eagerness to read the Bible. One night the kids asked me, after Bible study, to read the Bible to them while they fell asleep. Jonny and I spent the next hour taking turns switching off reading to this group of guys. The best part about this moment is that I could not have planned for that to happen. Typically, I prep a Bible study to last between 15 to 20 minutes in length. This is just proof that the Holy Spirit was at work on this trip building up these boys’ faith up in Christ. I am very fortunate to have spent time with these guys bonding over snowboarding, God, and making fun of each other. Please continue to pray for JSAW staff members and the riders we work so hard to win over for Jesus.

Upcoming Events 1) Costa Rica Mission Trip (February 2-5) 2) Parent Waffle Series (February 11) 3) Minute to kill video contest premier (March 10)

Ministry Needs 1) Food for Bible Study (call jake for scheduling) 2) A team of 3-5 people for maintenance projects – Examples: deep clean, paint, knock down a wall, install a drinking fountain 3) Donate


Jake Tastad

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