Volunteer Spotlight – Sherri Anderson
Personal: Name / Career / Family / Hobbies / Passions:
My name is Sherri “Buzzy” Anderson. I am a Special Education Teacher. My family consists of me, my husband and our 7 children. I enjoy swimming and knitting in my spare time and I am passionate about being an advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves and Jesus.
Faith: When and how you became a Christ-Follower / Biggest Influencer / Journey:
I became a Christ-follower in High School. My biggest influences were Rosie Greer, my small group leader, and the music I listened to. I grew up in a family where both of my parents were alcoholics. I knew there was something more. A public school teacher gave us an album by Dallas Holm which included this altar call: “If you’ve never really given your life to Christ, you can do so while you are sitting here.” How did he know I wanted that? I asked Jesus in my heart and never looked back.
JSAW: How did you get connected? / In what capacity do you serve?
My son started going to Help Boardshop about 4 years ago. We got connected with one of the leaders who really made a difference in his life! I wanted to do something to help out the ministry. I cleaned the bathrooms for about a year once a week. I helped out with parent meetings once a month by making breakfasts for the parents who came.
ADDITIONAL: Thoughts / Comments
I have taken a break from volunteering this summer when I started my doctoral program at St. Thomas.