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Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

Winter Ministry Update

Dear JSAW Friends and Family,

Winter is in full force…well not necessarily the weather but the ski resorts are open, which is what really matters for snowboarding and skiing enthusiasts. Sometimes people ask me, why minister at ski resorts. Why not go to Africa or get a job at a church? The reason is that the majority of people at these resorts are unreached. They have fallen right under the nose of traditional ministry methods. This people group needs riders that love Jesus to step up to creatively communicate and live out the Gospel through skiing and snowboarding. This is the gifting I have been given as well as every staff member at JSAW. We are proud to be chosen for such a task.

Therefore, our chosen methods for this winter are weekly sessions and ride days. JSAW’s weekly sessions are designated times that JSAW staff members will be out riding at a particular ski resort with the purpose of building relationships, inviting riders to bible study, and sharing the Gospel. This year we are happy to announce that our weekly sessions will be held at multiple ski resorts. With this in mind a JSAW staff member will be at Hyland Hills every Tuesday and Thursday from 4-7pm, Elm Creek every Tuesday from 4-7pm, and Buck Hill every Monday from 4-7pm.

JSAW ride days will be starting in December. Ride days entail traveling to different ski resorts throughout the winter on selected Saturdays. Transportation is provided and free for riders wanting to attend, although lift tickets are not included. A list of selected ski resorts can be found on JSAW’s calendar, Pick up and drop off will be at Help Boardshop in Edina. Drop off will be at 9am and pick will be at 3pm.

Can you come to JSAW’s ride days and weekly sessions if you are not a Christian? Yes, please come along and shred with us we would love to meet you. If you are a Christian and love to ride please join us as we strive to transform action sports culture.


Jake Tastad

JSAW Program Director

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