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  • Writer's pictureJonny Nelson

Winter Season Vision

Dear JSAW Friends,

The snow is flying and the ski resorts are opening! Currently, Trollhaugen and Wild Mountain are offering actual skiing and snowboarding but Hyland Hills will open shortly after Thanksgiving. I am so excited to dust off my snowboard and get out there but first I would like to share with all our donors and parents the vision for this winter. As you know our program entails tons of opportunities for riders to get involved at JSAW but let me break them down.

First, our mission is to make riders into disciples. JSAW is not a snowboard team or a daycare. We are authentic riders building relationships with other riders with the goal of inviting them to Bible study, sharing the Gospel and leading them into a one on one mentor relationships. You may ask yourself, how does this work on the ground level? Well, first JSAW staff members will be out riding both Hyland Hills and Buck Hill every week. It is very important as a relational ministry to put in the time to reach our designated communities.

With that in mind I would like to clearly communicate and challenge JSAW parents and donors. Much of what we do every day at JSAW is to challenge our riders to step out in their faith. This winter season presents the perfect opportunity for parents to encourage their riders to unite with JSAW’s vision and radically reach the riding community. Now, we understand that many riders that come to JSAW right now are not in a personal relationship with Jesus and that is understandable. But, for the riders that have committed themselves to living for God’s will and not their own we need the help of their parents to paint a redemptive vision for these ski resorts. We will also be challenging riders to make a new friend and invite them to Wednesday night Bible study each time we set foot out on the ski hill. We have constructed small invites that riders can use to assist in this mission. We also ask for our donor community to pray every Tuesday and Thursday between 4-7pm. These are the times when we will be out on hill each week.

In conclusion, JSAW’s vision of transforming action sports culture is much larger than what its’ staff members can conquer on their own. Therefore, let’s all work together to make a profound impact this winter.

Thanks for reading!

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